Newcastle 2023

On Friday the 2nd June 370 guests representing schools, charities, businesses, and civic authorities gathered to pray for the City of Newcastle and its people at the Annual Lord Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. This was the 15th consecutive year for the breakfast and the 11th year for the Lord Mayor’s Student Leadership Forum that follows the breakfast.

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Musical items were led by Pastor Stuart Brown and his combined churches team including Indigenous artists on the digeridoo. The acknowledgement of country was shared by Aunty Cheryl Smith.

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The Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes acknowledged the work done by the church adding that “her prayers” were with those that worked to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable and broken Newcastle people.

Silent auction winners at the Lord Mayor's Prayering Breakfast - $2,000 donated to Livefree Project. (2)

The Lord Mayor chose Newcastle charity LIVEfree Project to be the beneficiary of the breakfast, the award was accepted by Chris Jones founder and director. LIVEfree Project is a non-profit organisation based in Newcastle, dedicated to supporting individuals who have experienced hardship and trauma, particularly victims of domestic and family violence.

Silent auction winners at the Lord Mayor's Prayering Breakfast - $2,000 donated to Livefree Project. (1)

Prayers were led by city leaders; Ben Kiujian, Rhema FM Newcastle, Graeme Evans, St Philip’s Christian College, Chris Jones, Livefree Project and Mark Everitt, Area Officer, Hunter and NSW Central Coast, The Salvation Army.

Silent auction winners at the Lord Mayor's Prayering Breakfast - $2,000 donated to Livefree Project. (3)

Ben Kiujian Prays for the City

God of all things, You have revealed Yourself to us as Father, One who has tuned His ear to the requests of His beloved children. You have also revealed Yourself to us as the High King of Heaven who dwells in unapproachable light.

As we lift our voices to you this morning, we do so aware of this mystery, as children sitting on their Father’s lap whispering in His ear and as creation speaking to the very author of life, we stand on hallowed ground. Our lips are full of thankfulness, thankfulness for this beautiful city which you have created, thankfulness for the freedom and opportunity we enjoy as citizens ofthis country and this Hunter Region. Indeed the boundary lines have fallen for us in pleasant places.

As we gather to celebrate the good things that we enjoy, we are also aware of the difficulties in our city, sometimes even in our own homes. The hospitals full of those suffering with terrible illness, the households marred by the effects of domestic violence, the relational breakdown amongst married couples, friends and co-workers, the homelessness epidemic around our country, those grappling with the effects of getting older and bodies that fail us, those walking the lonely and gut-wrenching journey of mental health issues.

All of these things remind us that we don’t live in a perfect world. They compel us to call upon You this morning, to ask You to intervene, to ask You to show up right across the Hunter region as the healer, as protector, as provider, as a just judge and a friend. Would You take our feeble efforts and infuse them with Your power? We long to see transformation, we long to see flourishing as only You can provide. You are in the business of making something out of nothing, of taking broken pots and making beauty from ashes, You offered to take up our sin, our guilt and our shame and replace them by the death of Your Son Jesus in our place.

You invite us to live life and life to the full, in right relationship with God and man. This is our prayer for our city today – bring life! Let it roll down our streets and laneways, let it flood our homes, our businesses, our churches and our lives. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Graeme Evans

Graeme Evans Prays for the Young

Lord, You have given each of us a unique purpose and potential and we gather here today as a community, united in our desire to see our city and all of its people flourish.

We thank You for the gift of youth, for the energy and enthusiasm that fills their hearts. We pray for our young people, those standing here and the thousands they represent. May You pour out Your wisdom upon them, leading them on paths of righteousness and truth. Grant them courage to embrace challenges and strength to overcome obstacles, so they may fulfill their God-given destinies and make a positive impact in this world.

May these young people, who are the pioneers and leaders of the future, be known for their love for you, their care of one another and their innovative service to the community that reaches into every corner and draws others to you.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to bless the educational leaders and staff members who dedicate their lives to shaping young minds in all of the schools and educational institutions across Newcastle and the Hunter Region.

Lord, we particularly recognise the importance of providing an environment where young people not only flourish academically and socially, but also spiritually. So, we pray especially for the staff and leaders of Christian schools today, and the emerging staff and leaders of tomorrow, that they may have wisdom, discernment and freedom to make decisions that foster an atmosphere of growth, respect, and inclusivity. May these institutions be places of grace and truth, where students are encouraged to explore their faith and develop a deep relationship with You.

As we focus on the theme of "flourishing," Heavenly Father, we lift up all those children and young people across our city who may be facing challenges or obstacles on their journeys. Grant them the assurance of Your presence, that they may find comfort and strength in knowing that You are with them always. Surround them with a supportive community that encourages their dreams and helps them overcome any barriers they may encounter.

Lord, we also pray for the families of these young people. Bless parents, guardians, and caregivers with wisdom and discernment as they guide and support their children.

May we all find joy and fulfillment in witnessing these young people grow and flourish to become influencers of faith across this city.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


Chris Jones
Mark Everitt

Mark Everitt Prays for the Church

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe.

We pause this morning, most Holy God, to offer you our praise and thanks for who you are, and for what you have given to us.

You have blessed this part of our world with natural beauty and rich resources.  Thankyou God.

You have populated this region with people from all over the world and with people who enjoy an Australian heritage which extends for tens of thousands of years.  Thankyou God.

We are humbled to think of your generosity and your grace as we enjoy this time together this morning.

Jesus, when you visited our world in human form, we cannot help but be amazed to read of your love and compassion for those you met and those with whom you enjoyed a relationship.

You wanted your people to be released from what held them down.  You wanted your people to enjoy hope, healing and freedom.

You wanted your people to flourish.

We love how you connected with those whose cause seemed hopeless.  The marginalized, the persecuted, the forgotten.  Help us Lord, to reflect this same love and compassion in our world today.

We need your help Lord, to do just as you have done. To be beacons of hope, healing and freedom.

We need your help Lord, because even though we are created in your image, we are not ‘you’. Our strength weakens, our vision dims, our passions fade.

Help us Lord, as members of humanity, as supporters of Churches, as followers of Jesus, help us to rely on you for vision, tenacity and love.

Inspire us, dwell within us and continue to guide us as we continue your mission, we ask in Jesus name. Amen.

Rick Prosser - Kingdomworks Chairman and founder of the Annual Lord Mayor's Prayer Breakfast 2009 - 2015.

Rick Prosser spoke to those gathered about his love for Newcastle and the many great things that have historically emerged from this city and region. He called on all present to continue to pray and “work for the well-being of the city…”  (Jeremiah 29:7), that people from all walks of life in our city flourish. That the stubborn pain points of the city such as lengthy foster care lists, homelessness, child abuse, domestic violence, drug addiction and mental health might be eradicated through the prayers and work of good citizens who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his transforming power.

Prayer of Declaration & Blessing

Our Father in heaven, may your name be honoured.
This is a blessed city.

Together we present this city and her people to you.

We pray for the welfare of our city.

We ask for this city to reflect heaven on earth.

Today we lift to you those that are in the shadows and margins.

We pray for a flourishing community.
We speak hope over hopelessness.
We speak healing over brokenness.
We speak justice over every injustice.

We commit to work together for the peace and prosperity of the city.

We ask for a fresh outpouring of your Spirit over this city.
We ask that you move over the hearts and minds of every person.
We speak the name of Jesus over the City of Newcastle.
We declare with God all things are possible.

Together we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen 

To God be the glory.

In Jesus name. Amen

The morning was closed in a prayer of blessing and declaration led by Pastor Mathew von Stanke, from Lifeway Lutheran Church and a moving benediction led by Teresa Brierley, Director, Pastoral Ministries for the Catholic Diocese of Maitland - Newcastle. As she prayed she asked that every person present be linked by a touch on the shoulder.

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Benediction - Teresa Brierley

Let us take a moment to quieten ourselves, to connect with those who have joined us for this morning’s prayer breakfast, to reflect upon what we have heard and felt and to pray a blessing on each other and our City of Newcastle.

Gracious and loving God,

Send you blessing upon those of us gathered here this morning. Give us the grace and insight to be present to each other and to those we encounter each day.

Send you blessing upon our families and those we care about deeply. Tenderly care for them in good times and in bad times. May we be witnesses of your compassionate heart.

Send you blessing on our homes, workplaces, churches, and schools. May those who gather daily in these places experience your justice and peace.

Send your blessing upon our leaders, especially those in public office. May they be guided by their call to care for the dignity of each person and the common good of all.

Send your blessing upon this great city of ours, the City of Newcastle. May your light shine out in our City for all to see the transformative power of your presence in the hearts and minds of those who seek you and serve you.

As we leave this gathering, give us the courage to be your witnesses of faith, hope, and love.

God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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2023 Sponsors

Kingdom minded churches, schools, businesses, and organisations support this event.